Miwok 100K: initial report
A longer report coming, but this is what I posted last night to our Yahoo NYC Trails & Ultras group... When you get to see the Golden Gate at dawn and dusk, stunning views of thePacific from grassy bluffs a thousand feet up, start on the beach pre-dawn, it'ssunny all day with practically no clouds...well, this one is truly off thecharts scenic beauty-wise. The 10,000 feet of climb and equal of descent make it challenging, though the footing is decidedly tame by our Eastern standards (as is true of the other California races I've done). The race organization is superb, the aid stations good, course markings easy to follow...you can see why this one had to go to a lottery to fill its 250 slots starting last year! The relatively smooth footing, and the fact that I held a pretty steady effort all day and had something left in the tank to pick off a good number of folksover the last ten miles or so, made for a very satisfying race (14:34). And even a PR of about 15 minutes (not ...