Of Transitions, Spinning Wheels, and Recharging Batteries (Fall 2012 Recap)
Hello, lost blog! The last four months of 201 brought the glorious transition to fatherhood @ fifty--at turns, exhilirating, exasperating, exhausting, and (always) exciting! The four "E's," as I like to call them! Mihiret is the jewel in my crown, my pride and joy, and I can't imagine what life was like before her! Well, I can, sort of, if only in the running sense! And hopefully in 2012 I'll get back to some semblance of the groove I was in the first half of 2011 leading up to my awesome Bighorn. No regrets, mind you, as it was natural that running would (and will!) continue to take a back seat. But hopefully now I'm in a position to sort of find that elusive balance. But time to sort of close the ledger on 2011 first. What kind of stands out from the last quarter of '11 are the big races I *didn't* do, and then the season- and year-ending hamstring injury. Training July/August for SOS tri in September only to first have it shor...