Back in Action!
How I Missed Running! As you might have guessed from the long silence, it's been a non-running summer ever since Bighorn back in mid-June. I pretty much laid low, but tried to keep up some level of fitness (and sanity!) with a mix of deep water running and swimming and then some cycling added in. I got a temporary membership at another gym to be able to use a bigger and deeper pool for the water stuff, like I did a few years back when rehabbing. It was good to burn some calories and have some routines, but I really missed the running, and especially the trails. And also my normal routines of strength training and yoga. But there was in compensation a lot more quality family time, especially with the summer hiatus from teaching and our vacation upstate. But after eight weeks off, I got the ok from my doctor this week to resume running ! So this week I've been inching back into running, and also into somewhat more normal strength training. But...