
Showing posts from November, 2012

Bimbling the Bluff: Bimbler's Bluff 50K race report, Oct. 17, 2012

I'm not sure who or what the "Bimbler" is, but she/he/it was as good an excuse as any to move back into an ultra frame of mind.  It was a gorgeous fall day last month at this 50k.  It's a pleasant race, through pretty, leafy forests.  Rolling but not as technical and rugged as what you might expect if you trained at, say, Harriman State Park (NYS) or had done your only other race in CT at Traprock 50K.  Yet it's deceptively hard--lots of running, not many "must walk" steep or really long hills (so not much respite!), and a couple miles longer than 3.  Add in a missed turn several of us took, and it makes for a good long day on a mix of single and double track and ATV-type trails. Garth, Chip, and I got up to the local school where the race was held, about an hour before the appointed time.  This was after a little adventure over the last few miles in trying to find the school, as our Google map instructions were slightly off and only a GPS nav progra...