Catching Up
Catching Up What makes a "blogger" fall silent? Laziness? Check. Lack of time in a busy work, family, and training schedule? Check. Maybe a little loss of single-minded focus? Check. A lack of accomplishments to trumpet. Double check! So, essentially, all of the above. Anyway, since this is basically my public diary, where more than anything I try to come clean with myself and maybe learn something and just record feelings and thoughts before they fade, the only real loser from getting out of the habit is yours truly. Let's just say the pangs of regret are catching up to me, so maybe it's time! Last year at this time the weekly training blog and more frequent race reports really had me "dialed in" with my training and sense of progress toward Bighorn. I miss that feeling, so here's hoping I can start re-capturing it! A Quick Summary of Racing and Outings since the Fall Stone Mill 50 miles (MD) in November :...