Weeks 1 and 2 of the YM100s@50 (Year of Multiple 100s at 50)

Overview:  The main themes were injury recovery (December 11th hamstring strain at XC 15K) and slowly building back the base. On Jan. 5th the doctor said I probably was feeling the scar tissue from the recovering right outer/middle hamstring rather than the strain itself. (Strain is my word, he never really said).  He said to get a couple deep tissue massages, and start his "IronStrength" program twice weekly to deal with strength and imbalance issues.  And to stay away from speed and hill work for a while.  It was good to know the recovery, after stops and starts the previous weeks, could move into an active phase!

Jan. 2-8:  Week 1

Total Running Hours:  2:15 approx.

Runs:  4 (two were walk-runs)

Longest Run:  45 minutes

Strength:  first Iron Strength + 1 upper body/core at Equinox

Yoga: None (still waiting)

Stretching:  Good.  Pre- and post-run.  Most every day.

Swim and Bike:  Two easy sessions (one each, or was it two swims?)

Weight:  156-157 (gone up a little post-holidays)

Comments:  This would have been the weekend of Phunt 50K--damn!  Being very careful until seeing Dr. Metzl on Thursday and still methodical after that.  Runs prior to seeing him encouraging.  One helpful massage.  Lots of general soreness from recovering muscles, but not as painful in hamstring during massage as I feared.  45 minutes on weekend felt like a breakthrough, though very slow. 

Jan. 9-15: Week 2

Total Running Hours:  6 approx.

Runs:  5

Longest Run:  about 6.5m for 2:06 (run/hike at Palisades, including Giant Stairs rock scramble section; with Lesley, Jeff, Jason, and Garth)

Strength:  2 X IronStrength (legs/core/arms), still getting used to form, building reps, and finding right weights for weighted exercises; 1 X abbreviated leg strength prior to yoga (adductors, high bench step-ups, abductors)

Yoga Classes: 1 (first post-injury)

Stretching:  Good, almost every day, including some before runs

Swim and Bike:  None

Weight:  157-58 (highest I've been for a while, though was lower at end of week, about 177.5)

Comments:  In retrospect will probably look like a key recovery week, both physically and mentally. Rebuilding the distance.  50 minutes, 55, 1 hour, 2 hours.  No recurrence of hamstring pain.  First time back on trails since the injury.   Felt good!  No complete rest days. One massage.   Slow turnover, but legs are starting to come back.  Ready to keep on building it back next week!


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