
Showing posts from May, 2012

Last Buildup and Taper for Massanutten: A Retrospective Summary

Things got so crazy with work, family, etc. that I never had a moment to sit down and blog the training for my last five weeks leading up to Massanutten. Here are the broad outlines I can reconstruct looking back post-race, from my Garmin and my sketchy memory and a few notes scrawled to myself along the way! Week #15 (4 to go to MMT, ending 4/15) Overview :  This week was about moving from recovery from the mega-training run previous Saturday of 41 miles in Harriman (and from Tues. speedwork, my first organized session in a while) on to Traprock Saturday as my last tune-up race pre-MMT. Total running time :  9:55 (3-week moving average= 11.15 hours) Total runs :  5 Speedwork :  1 (Keohane class:  6 X half mile on lower loop of C.P.) Weight :  155ish Yoga :  1 Vinyasa class Strength :  1 Iron Strength full body and one upper body Other :  1 brief swim, one ice bath, one hot/cold bath Long trail run/Race...

Massanutten's in the Books!

It's official!  35:03:33.  My first MMT finish!  Hope to get around to a longer report in a few days when I come up for air from playing wicked work catch-up this week. But wanted to make sure I got word out to any who might be listening! So many things about the race were sweet.  The sunny weather.  Dry trails.  Washing away my '09 MMT DNF.  Finishing two 100s in a row for the first time.  Finishing strong.  The company and camaraderie of my pacer friend Steve. There were no major crises to overcome on this killer of a course, with its relentless rocks and climbs.  But I never had too big a margin on the cutoffs to play with, either.  Progress was fairly steady, slowing a lot at night, and I fare better on the single track than I did on the dirt roads, where my turnover sucked.  A lot more to come when I write up my report, so stay tuned  But for now just the great news--Massanutten rocks!  And in my own modest...