Last Buildup and Taper for Massanutten: A Retrospective Summary
Things got so crazy with work, family, etc. that I never had a moment to sit down and blog the training for my last five weeks leading up to Massanutten. Here are the broad outlines I can reconstruct looking back post-race, from my Garmin and my sketchy memory and a few notes scrawled to myself along the way! Week #15 (4 to go to MMT, ending 4/15) Overview : This week was about moving from recovery from the mega-training run previous Saturday of 41 miles in Harriman (and from Tues. speedwork, my first organized session in a while) on to Traprock Saturday as my last tune-up race pre-MMT. Total running time : 9:55 (3-week moving average= 11.15 hours) Total runs : 5 Speedwork : 1 (Keohane class: 6 X half mile on lower loop of C.P.) Weight : 155ish Yoga : 1 Vinyasa class Strength : 1 Iron Strength full body and one upper body Other : 1 brief swim, one ice bath, one hot/cold bath Long trail run/Race...