A Sweet Bighorn Finish! (Report to Follow)

Glorious Bighorn!  Just back from what's become an annual pilgrammage to the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming for my favorite race anywhere.  And I'm grinning ear to ear and loving the experience and the results---first finish on the original/normal course that beat me up and spat me out in 2007 and 2010 (33:45:54)...and second 100 mile finish in 34 days!  

I mostly felt good, persevered through a second-half slowdown, chased the cutoffs in the 80s and early 90s, and was able to cruise easily for the latter miles.  Sweet feeling!

The conditions (sun, heat, rain, hypothermic cold at night, snow drifts in high country, etc.) were epic.  Ditto for the beauty of the canyons, whitewater streams and rivers, hoodos and other rock formations, and bugling elk calling to their calves in the pre-dawn darkness with eyes aglow.

I'll get a longer report up in a few days, but just wanted to share the good news!


TBF said…
Congrats Scott! It was cool getting a chance to see you before the big race. Glad to see that everything went well.


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