Bighorn 100 Training Log: Weeks 21 and 20 to Go
Juggling some racing for fun and training continued to be the name of the game for the two weeks ending last Sunday. I already blogged about the Batona 50, and last Saturday it was the BRR-ooklyn Half Marathon in Prospect Park. I'll write something about it and the Hot Chocolate 10 miler in a separate post. But for now I can close the books on a fun January of four weekends, four races--with my trail yin in perfect balance with my road (huh, did he say road?) yang! I guess it helps make up for doing only two races during the last six months of 2013. Now it's time to get down to the more serious business of getting ready for Bighorn in June, and the Mt. Whitney climb March 22-25.
Week Ending Jan. 19: Brief recovery then training through, mileage step-up week
Runs: 5
Est. Mileage = 60.2
Mileage Target = 44 (per Relentless Forward Progress schedule)
Time on Feet = 12:04 hours
Speedwork: Solo, 4 X 1 mile on upper and lower Bridle Path (hills on last two reps) with 3:00 recoveries, 7:38/7:31/7:31/7:31, felt pretty strong though hoped for faster pace
Strength: 1 upper/core and one Iron Strength full body
Yoga: 0 (busy schedule)
Stretching: Fair amount
Full rest days: One or two
Comments: Legs seemed to bounce back quickly after 10-mile race. When I found out that Batona was Sunday and not Saturday as I thought and that Mike K. still wasn't doing Wed. night speedwork class, I was able to take it easy early in week and move speedwork back to Thursday
Week Ending Jan. 26: Stepback week and mini-taper leading into half
Runs: 4
Est. mileage = 34.5
Target mileage = 38
Cross-training: 20-minute swim (and Jacuzzi)
Strength: No upper (right hand issue), little or no core, one light leg session with Equinox machines
Speedwork: None with race coming, but 5 X 30 second strides at 7:40-8:00 mile pace during Thurs. treadmill run
Yoga: 0 (scheduling issues)
Days of complete rest: 2
Comments: Mileage backoff was a marriage of convenience (busy schedule on eve of new semester) and necessity (easing off after races last three weekends before the half). I hoped to do upper body work but had swelling and soreness on back of right hand near wrist from Sunday through about Wednesday (icing, Advil, wearing wrist guard a couple days). So decided to rest it this week. The Half went ok by objective standards (age place and overall place) but I couldn't hold early pace and thought I was capable of more under other/better conditions (i.e., less racing, slightly warmer temps, wiser pacing).
Overall, I guess I should feel fortunate that I was able to balance races on trails and roads, do fairly well, and not get injured or burned out. All that and not veer too far off the mileage buildup/speedback trajectory of the Bighorn program. I don't plan to keep up this amount of racing, but it was fun! I feel like I'm in good but not great shape in the sense that I have some winter weight and am about 5-6 pounds above where I'd like to be.
Looking ahead to the current week and next two, it's mileage targets of 48, 52, and 54. The latter two weeks with the first fairly serious back to back long runs. This weekend is the Hike-A-Thong, and we'll see what kind of conditions and mileage it brings.