Bighorn Training Log: Weeks 17 and 16 to Go
Training Thru an Epic Winter
Well, winter weather, trail conditions, and the need
to get in training hikes ahead of the Whitney climb (3/22-25) kind of dictated
the schedule for these two weeks. One of
the three hikes was unplanned, as Garth and I headed to Palisades for a
snowshoe run that turned into a postholing hike. And then a bit of an adventure
as I solo'ed up/down some difficult slopes using running snowshoes to frontpoint
along the poles I fortunately had in the trunk of the car! (It’s been one of
those winters!).
Solo Bear Mountain training hike
In the second week, I thought I was tapering ever so
slightly for Febapple 50K, which I had signed up for last-minute. But conditions were likely to be sloppy with
rains and warmer temps on top of lots of massed snow, plus Garth and Lesley
were no-go’s. So I made the right call
day before, which was to go out to Tammany that Saturday instead for a training
hike. Time running out for Whitney, and
not much quality running was going to happen at Febapple.
Palisades snowshoe hike--Peanut Falls along the Hudson
Overall, it was a “take it as it comes” situation. Fewer runs and less mileage than I would like, but a chance for some great winter hiking. I was happy to still in get in some quality running stuff, with the 17 miler and solo speedwork both weeks. In equivalent time on feet terms, I’m certainly getting in what I would if I did only the goal mileage on trails in decently runnable conditions.
Mt. Tammany training hike (Delaware Water Gap, NJ)
I felt pretty good overall, and the days completely
off or with only strength were key as the demands on the body have been
great. It is a little frustrating not
being able get in quality time on the trails with our current winter, but what’s
a guy gonna do? Making the best of it
and hopefully won’t be worse for the wear come April and beyond! Tentatively, I may do Greenbelt 50K that
second weekend of May, which would “replace” Febapple and keep the “Bighorn as
my 50th ultra” dream alive!
(Right now I still sit at 45.)
A foot of snow-plus on Bear Mountain
Bears repeating--breaking in new backcountry snowshoes
Bundled up at finish by Bear Mountain Inn-temps in teens to 20s
The beta:
Est. running miles:
40 miles
Runs = 4 Hikes = 2
Time on feet:
9.84 hours (running) + 6:50 (hiking)
Relentless book mileage target: 54 (with 20/10 B2B)
Long run: 17
road miles, with 15 of them at about 8:50 pace (slowed way down for last two
miles with developing left hamstring issue, then walked back from park to
protect leg)
Speedwork (improvised with no quorum for Mike’s
class): 2 X mile plus 2 X half (times
around 7:30ish pace)
Hikes: One @
Bear Mountain on backcountry snowshoes for about 3:30 with about 42 pounds in
pack, up/down the AT most of way up (about 800-1000’ of up and then of down),
lots of technical issues with snowshoe bindings and stoppage time, awkward
descent on snow-covered stairs. Other @
Palisades near State Line, running snowshoes with post-holing first half with
Garth, then grabbed poles and headed toward Peanut Falls, all in a foot or so
of snow with few tracks to follow and all very off-camber deep snow footing
Garth debuting running snowshoes on snow way too deep and untrammeled
Poles helped with the second half, but these snowshoes no match for this snow (apologies for technical glitches on photo repeats)
Total Runs: 4
Running mileage:
Relentless target:
40 (14/6 B2B, a stepdown week)
Time on feet:
running = 4:25+ hiking = 6:45 total
= 11:10
Long run:
Speedwork: 6
repeats of Great Hill from 102 transverse (about .3 to .33 mile each)
Whitney training hike #4 (de facto #5): 6:45 with 3,600’ up and 3,600’ down in three
repeats of Mt. Tammany (Lesley and Jeff doing repeats on trail same time);
carrying 50 pounds; mountaineering boots with Microspikes, poles, and about 10
inches of slushy snow
upper/core X 2 and legs X 1 (?)
No yoga, some stretching
Winter still casting its long shadow on a 40s day at Tammany
View ain't half bad (frozen Delaware River from top of Tammany)